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Watch the interactive video and answer the questions.
Put your score in the Goose chase mission if you are playing the Goose Chase game.

Video created by Wende Jones using iMovie and H5P. Students of Reeds Spring School District permission forms on file.

Final step for Option 1 and Option 2

Follow this link to complete the self assessment rubric.

Final Project - Digital Media Principles

Contrast: There is very little contrast on my page except for the pictures of the student on the carpet and the text being black on white. Because of this the letters pop and are easy to read. The picture fades from white to color and so blends into the background of the page. I tried various different backgrounds to make a more defined picture but I liked the way the fading effect worked. It reminds me of how quietly the students can sneak up on you if you aren't prepared. 


Repetition: The repetition is in the use of the pictures. The same picture is used as an example on the first page and then as the opening poster for the video. This repetition helps the viewer to remember the importance of using repetition when teaching the steps for classroom management. The rectangle shape is also used frequently giving a constant which also is important teaching tool. The colors repeat but is not as noticeable since the colors are the basic black on white with a few primary colors from the video and pictures.

Alignment: I have aligned the text and pictures so they are the same width. I have also made sure the text is the same size for titles and the same size for paragraphs of information. I have made sure the page is easy to navigate and understand. 


Proximity: I have used proximity in my pictures to show the difference between a calm peaceful classroom and one that is not. The pictures along the bottom of the poster are close together and turned different ways giving the impression of chaos. The picture of the little boy in the middle has space around it even though it is labeled and surrounded with text. A feeling of order is still there. In the video I used a closeup shot of me feeling overwhelmed about the new year. The photos were timed to make the viewer feel panic or calm by how quickly they appeared or how slowly they came or moved. 

Digital Media and Learning Outcomes

When I decided on my objective I was excited to have something I could use for our Professional development that I am in charge of teaching. I was concerned that even though I consider myself somewhat tech savvy I was not going to be able to learn enough to complete the project I had in mind. I wanted to create an interactive video that would engage my already overwhelmed teachers and give them something that didn't take a great deal of time yet helped them to focus and think about the their classroom management plan for the year. The interactive video while challenging for me to create is a great tool to for learners to visualize what the teacher is trying to convey while checking that they are understanding the information. What a wonderful tool for teaching. I also decided to use my audio for the introduction to the lesson to grab their attention. I set it up to play automatically but made sure a backup plan was in place in case it didn't start or if they wanted to listen to it over again. I also wanted to share the poster image I created as a still picture so they have the opportunity to look at it closely. This image has a lot on it and the few seconds on the video is not long enough to gain all the information needed so I wanted to give them the time they need to absorb more from the visual. I am excited to use what I have created for my staff, as it will take the place of one of our meetings which I know my teachers will appreciate having one less meeting at the beginning of the year. I feel the website works well and will encourage my teachers to create a plan or complete what they have started and make their new year run smoothly. 


Throughout this course I have learned a great deal. I struggled with using photo shop but now feel that I can use it to create other resources for my classroom and training projects. The audio and video were fun to create and I can think of many ways to use them in my classroom and hopefully in my online classes that I teach in the future. I am more mindful of the colors I use, the alignment and contrast of the text and pictures and how close things are on the page. I also note how often things are repeated because repetition is not only pleasing to the eye it also helps the learner remember what is being taught. 


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