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Weather and Emergency Preparedness

What to do in the worst of times



In the event of a fire. Grab your emergency book that has all of your students contact information in it and that days attendance sheet and evacuate the building. Take the students across the road into the field by the woods and keep them together and calm. Make sure you have everyone. Do not contact parents until given the go ahead.

Storm Clouds


In the event of a tornado have students go into the bathroom in room #44 and crouch down covering their head. You each have a red plaid backpack in your room for emergencies. Make sure your flashlight has good batteries and is ready to grab. We also have an large blue emergency bin in the speech room next to the lounge. It has many supplies for such emergencies.

Working Together


In the event of an intruder. The building will go into lock down mode. Make sure your door is locked and barricaded. Turn off your lights and pull the blinds on the window. Keep the children as quiet as possible until the all clear signal has been given. If you need to evacuate your room do so quickly and make sure all students are accounted for.

Weather and Emergency Preparedness: Projects
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