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Medication and the Nurse

The Answers You Need

Medication and the Nurse: FAQ

What do I do if a child has had an accident?

In the event of an accident, parents will be notified by phone immediately by the secretary on duty or the lead teacher on duty.  First aid will be administered by the center staff or school nurse.  The Primary Principal, school nurse or lead teacher will determine if a child should be transported to an emergency facility.  If the decision is made to transport a child, the parents will be notified before or as the child is being transported. The child will be taken to the location listed on the back of the enrollment form.  An accident report shall be completely filled out, signed by staff and director, covered with parents, signed by parents, copies made, one copy to parents, and one copy will be placed in student’s file in the Director’s Office. Remember, confidentiality also applies to these forms; do not list other children’s names on the form.

What do I do if I believe a child has lice?

If you believe a child has lice they must go to nurse Sherry to be checked. If she is unavailable then Mrs. Murray is to be contacted and the child checked by a staff member before parents are contacted. If the child is found to have lice a shower cap is to be put on the child while they wait in the office for the parent to arrive. Nurse Sherry will need to declare them clear before they are allowed to return to the center.

What if a child is sick?

If a child becomes ill at school a staff member or the secretary will take them to the nurse to be examined. Parents will be notified if the child needs to go home. If it is before 7:30 or after 3:30 the parent is to be called and notified.

What do I do with medication?

Some students have emergency medications like epi pens and inhalers. These medications need to be logged in with the nurse and the expiration date written down so parents can be notified a month before they expire.


All medications will be kept in the classroom closet on an upper shelf out of the reach of children in a clearly mark container. 


Any medicine that is given needs to have a medicine permission log form filled out for each dose given. See nurse Sherry for forms.

How do I post allergy information?

Allergy information needs to be posted in a number of places. First a sign needs to be at the door of the classroom stating "In this room we have an allergy to ... (list the allergies)." No names are posted just the allergies. 

2nd use the following link to create a notice to place on the fridge so subs know who has the allergy in the room and as a reminder to you. 3rd make sure your sub book has the allergies listed. 

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